Advantages and Disadvantages of Linux that You Need to Know

Linux is one of the free and open source operating systems whose popularity continues to increase. This is because Linux has various advantages that other operating systems, such as Windows, do not have.

One of the most striking advantages of Linux is its ease of development, not only for computers or laptops, but also for smartphones, VPS servers , and even smart TVs. Unfortunately, there are some disadvantages of Linux that you also need to consider.

What are they?

Well, this article will discuss in full the advantages and disadvantages of Linux for you. Thus, you can determine whether this operating system suits your needs or not. Come on, see the complete explanation now!

The Linux operating system has a distinct advantage over other operating systems. However, Linux also has some drawbacks that make it less attractive. Well, here are the full advantages and disadvantages of Linux:

Advantages of Linux
Some of the advantages of the Linux operating system are as follows:

1. Free
As mentioned earlier, you can use the Linux operating system for free, both for personal and business use. Linux can be installed on computers, laptops, and even servers without having to pay a licensing fee.

In addition, most applications found in Linux distros are also available for free. If there is an application you need but it is not included in the Linux distribution you are using, you can download it without having to pay additional costs.

2. Easy to Use
In the past, Linux was considered a difficult operating system to use, especially for beginners. However, now there are many Linux distros that are very user-friendly, such as Ubuntu.

Linux continues to develop to be simpler and easier to use. One of them is by providing a display-based interface or Graphical User Interface (GUI). Through GUI, you no longer have difficulty in typing commands using Terminal (like Command Prompt in Windows).

But if you still want to use Terminal to manage this open source OS, that’s not a problem. There are many things you can do through Terminal, including renaming Linux files .

3. Safe

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Linux is known as a secure operating system from hacking and virus attacks. There are several reasons why this can happen.

First, the number of Linux users is not too large, so it is not an easy target for hacking and malware distribution.

Second, by default, this operating system does not provide administrator access rights to Linux users. Unlike Windows, to obtain admin access rights in Linux, you must use a special command and enter a password.

This prevents viruses from entering and changing the system without full permission. Even if a virus does manage to penetrate the defense, the damage is likely to be minimal.

4. Fast Performance
illustration of advantages and disadvantages of fast performance linux
One thing you can feel when using Linux is fast performance. You can enjoy this speed starting from the installation process, booting, to general application usage.

If you often open many applications simultaneously, Linux is the best choice because of its stable performance. Each application runs independently without disturbing the overall system.

Well, if you feel the performance of this open source OS has decreased since it was first installed, there is no need to reinstall it. Just delete unnecessary applications so that the system is not burdened.

5. Privacy is maintained

Unlike Windows, Linux will not collect user europe cell phone number list data, so your privacy is better protected.Interestingly, you can enjoy these benefits without having to do any additional settings. Unlike Windows which by default activates the telemetry feature to send data on the usage and performance of your computer or laptop.

Ubuntu originally had an Amazon app that was suspected of collecting user data. However, the app is now removed from the default installation.

6. Have Many Distros
featured image 20+ best linux distros
Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of Linux OS is not complete without discussing its various distros. One of the advantages is the large selection of Linux distros , allowing you to choose the one that suits your needs.

Here are some examples of Linux distros according to their function:

Linux for General Users: Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch Linux, Gentoo
Linux for Education: Edubuntu, UberStudent, openSUSE-Edu, Skolelinux, fedoraEDU
Linux for Servers: Ubuntu Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, CentOS (Community OS) Linux Server, Debian, Oracle Linux
Linux for Hacking: Kali Linux, BackBOX, Parrot Security OS, BlackArch, Bugtraq, DEFT Linux
The differences between the above distros usually lie in the appearance (desktop environment), included applications, and supported device architectures.

Linux Disadvantages
You have learned about the advantages of the Linux operating system in the previous section. However, Linux also has some disadvantages, such as:

1. Still Few Applications
While you can accomplish a variety of tasks with the applications available on Linux, the availability of applications is still limited. Linux does not yet fully support some popular applications that you may need, such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, or Corel Draw.

This is due to the lack of support from the

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Developer community that develops applications for this open source operating system. One of the main reasons is that selling applications on the Windows or macOS platforms is considered more commercially profitable.

2. Hardware Support Constraints
illustration of advantages and disadvantages of Linux, less hardware support
Hardware konpayi ki prepare support  issues are still a problem when using Linux. As with applications, not many vendors provide drivers for this operating system. As a result, many devices on laptops or computers are not automatically detected in Linux.

The impact is that some hardware, such as a mouse or earphone, may not function optimally or may not be usable at all.

While there is still the option to install the drivers manually, this method is of course troublesome and does not always work well.

3. Lack of Gaming Support
Linux is less suitable for users who enjoy playing games. The reasons are as follows:

First, the number of game developers making games for Linux is still limited. As a result, the selection of games available on Linux is not as large and diverse as on Windows.

Second, driver support for graphics cards in supporting games is also still limited. This can affect the gaming experience. Even for older graphics card series, you may have to install the driver manually.

Up to this point, you have learned some of the advantages and disadvantages of Linux. So, are you interested in taking a look at this OS?

Let’s Use the Linux Operating System Now!

Linux is an open source operating system be numbers created by Linus Torvalds with proven reliable performance. Although the number of users is not as many as other operating systems, Linux development continues to this day.

Linux offers a number of advantages, such as freedom from cost, ease of use, security, speed, and a variety of interesting distro options. Although there are still some shortcomings in terms of hardware and gaming support, Linux continues to strive to improve its quality in the future.

If you are interested in using the Linux operating system but don’t want to install it on your computer, you can enjoy it through Niagahoster’s VPS service .

VPS Niagahoster provides various Linux distros that you can choose and install as you wish, such as Ubuntu, Debian, and CentOS . This service also allows you to install various applications without any compatibility constraints.

In addition, Niagahoster VPS performance is guaranteed to be optimal with CPU up to 8 Cores, RAM up to 32 GB, and SSD Storage up to 400 GB . Don’t worry about the price, because you can enjoy this service starting at Rp75,900 per month . So what are you waiting for, let’s subscribe to Niagahoster VPS now!

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