Latest Indy News – January 2025

At the beginning of 2025, Indy is back with new products! This month, we are offering you three new features specially designed to simplify the management of SCI (Sociétés Civiles Immobilières) with IS (Corporate Tax). Follow us!

Do you operate your business in a civil property company and are subject to IS tax? This month,
Indy offers you 3 new features that will delight you! Management of legal entity and holding amazon data partners, management of foreign income via SCPIs… with Indy, your accounting is simplified!
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What’s new in Indy – January 2025: features for SCIs with IS

Management of legal entity and holding partners;
Management of foreign income via SCPIs;
Fixed asset register to track depreciation.

January 2025: the latest Indy news in one video

Find in this video all the latest news of the Indy application for SCI at IS! Enjoy watching! ▶️

January 2025: the latest Indy news for SCIs at IS
#1. Management of legal entity and holding partners

Indy now automates the accounting of SCI subject to IS that have legal entities as tongliao phone number list  partners . Some of these companies can also be holding companies , which adds a level of complexity that we also support for SCI subject to IS.

To learn more about the SCI holding company, we invite you to consult our article on making a mobile messaging app the subject by clicking on the following link: “  Holding SCI: the essentials to know ”.

#2. Management of foreign income via SCPIs

Second piece of good news for managers of SCIs subject to IS: Indy now handles the accounting of SCIs with income from SCPIs (Société Civile de Placement Immobilier).

Indeed, investing in SCPI allows you to benefit from a large number of advantages such as:

Simplified access to investment: it is a simple way to enter the real estate market without having to buy a building, a house, etc.;
A flexible and secure investment: you decide how much money you want to invest, you can start with a small amount. Your investment is generally spread over many buildings and tenants, which reduces risks;
Regular income: you receive income every quarter and can either receive it directly or keep it in the SCI to invest it later;
Easy transfer: you can transfer your shares to your children gradually, while limiting costs (you benefit from tax deductions renewed every 15 years).
With Indy, you therefore have the possibility of directly categorizing your transactions as “SCPI Income” .


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