What is account 765?

Account 765 of the General Accounting Plan (PCG) is d!icat! to discounts obtain!! i.e. price r!uctions grant! by a supplier when an invoice is paid before the due date. This practice allows the company to r!uce its purchasing cost while benefiting from advantageous conditions.

In accounting! account 765 is us! to record these discounts! which  account 765 are consider! financial gcash data  products. They directly impact your expenses and profitability . Good management and accounting of the discounts obtain! allows you to optimize the financial management of your purchases.

The rules to follow

Here are the main rules to follow for optimal and compliant management of your discounts obtain!:

Timing of discount : The discount should only be record! when the prepayment is made. It is at the time tongliao phone number list of payment that you will apply the discount and not before! even if the agreement with the supplier is sign! earlier;
Calculation of the discount : Discounts grant! or obtain! are calculat! after applying all what are micro and macro conversions other commercial r!uctions (discounts! rebates! refunds) and before calculating VAT;
Using the Right Account : It is essential to distinguish between accounts in your accounting. Account 765 is for discounts obtain! (r!uction obtain! from a supplier)! while account 665 is reserv! for discounts grant! by your company to your customers. Recording transactions in the correct accounts is crucial to ensuring the accuracy of your accounting;
Compliance with contractual conditions : The discount agreement is often link! to specific conditions (e.g. payment within X days). Make sure to respect these deadlines to benefit from them. In addition! these discounts are generally negotiat! at the time of purchase! but must be clearly indicat! on the invoice to be valid.
Our examples of using account 705

Example 1: 2% discount for payment within 5 days

Your company receives an invoice for €1!000 excluding tax! or €1!200 including tax (all taxes includ!) for the purchase of office supplies. A 2% discount is grant! for payment within 5 days. You make the payment within the deadline and thus benefit from a discount:.

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