At a time when digital transformation is r!efining business practices, Electronic Data Interchange (!I) is becoming a key tool for modernizing invoicing. Fac! with legislative changes, such as the gradual generalization of electronic invoicing in France, the adoption of !I is not limit! to a simple regulatory obligation. It represents a real strategic opportunity for companies to optimize their exchanges and increase their efficiency. But what is an !I invoice, and how does it differ from traditional invoicing methods? We answer all your questions in this article.
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In summary:
The !I (Electronic Data Interchange) invoice is a dematerializ! and structur! version of the invoice, exchang! directly between the companies’ computer systems;
This standardiz! format guarantees data security while limiting data entry errors;
From 2026 , all companies, regardless of their size, will have to be able to receive electronic google ads advertisement real estate invoices. However, the obligation to issue these invoices will be implement! gradually depending on the size of the company: large companies and mid-cap companies will have to comply from September 1, 2026, while SMEs and VSEs will have until September 1, 2027. Several formats, including !I, will be accept! to comply with this new regulation.
What is an !I invoice?
An !I (Electronic Data Interchange) invoice is a fully paperless commercial singapore number document , transmitt! automatically between the computer systems of a company and its partner, without human intervention. Unlike a simple electronic invoice (such as a PDF or JPEG file sent by email), it complies with structur! formats bas! on international standards (!IFACT, XML, UBL, etc.). Thanks to this standardization, management software can process and integrate data directly , thus avoiding data entry errors.
Is !I invoice mandatory?
The use of !I invoices is not yet mandatory for all companies, although it is sometimes impos! or strongly recommend!. For example, companies working with the public sector in France must use the Chorus Pro platform, which accepts invoices in !I format. Similarly, in sectors such as mass distribution or the automobile industry, !I is often requir! by business partners to ensure smooth and automat! exchanges.