Our son’s old daycare center once gave us the homework of making a picture book for our child. I thought the idea was so great that I would like to share it with you today and show you how you can make a picture book for your child yourself.
Make your own picture book
When we were getting our son us to daycare, I saw a small child crying in the group. The teacher rush over and, after several unsuccessful attempts to calm the little boy down, got out a picture book. The two of them sat on the floor, the boy snuggl up to the teacher, and they look at the picture book together. Over time, the little boy calm down.
This picture book was personal and had been made just for him by his parents. We were given a book like this as homework at daycare: we were suppos to fill the book with photos of things and people that our son lik, lov, luxembourg mobile database that calm him down or made him happy. Because that was the point of this children’s book: it was suppos to comfort the children.
Make a picture book – A book that your child will definitely like
Since I had no idea what should go into a picture book, I brows through the finish picture books of the other children at the daycare and was amaz. There was something new and unique stuck into each photo book.
Some parents had put a lot of effort into their books. Some books instagram direct: basic and general were cover with photoer,
Next to the people who could be recogniz in the photos, there were also be numbers sometimes the corresponding names so that the teacher knew who was in the picture.
Of course, none of these ideas were mandatory for us. We had complete freom in deciding what our.