Studying at FKG? Here are 6 Reasons to Study at FKG UNPAD

There are many reasons to study at FKG UNPAD, one of which is because this faculty has succeeded in achieving several of the best achievements in academics and services. In addition to providing a Bachelor’s Program, there is also an International Class at FKG UNPAD. During lectures, the method applied is student active learning with the problem based learning method .

Students’ abilities will be honed so that they can compete and compete in the world of work. The place of practice for FKG UNPAD students when undergoing the Student Work Clinic is the Dental and Oral Hospital (RSGM) on the Sekeloa Campus. It is no wonder that it is quite popular with high school graduates and is one of the reasons for studying at FKG UNPAD.

The Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) UNPAD itself has been established since September 1, 1959. This faculty was founded on the basis of the idea that dental health  database shop workers in Indonesia in 1956-1957 were still relatively few and dental education at that time was still included in the medical faculty. This is what encouraged the Executive Board of the Indonesian Dentists Association (PDGI) including Prof. Drg. Soeria Soemantri, MPH and Prof. Dr. RM Soelarko to establish new dental faculties in accordance with the ideals of PDGI.

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The location of FKG UNPAD is located at Jalan Sekeloa Selatan I No. 2, Lebakgede, Coblong District, Bandung City. The very strategic location of the campus and close to the main road makes it easier to access FKG UNPAD.

So, if you are interested in entering this faculty, let’s look at the reasons for studying at FKG UNPAD and what are the advantages of studying at FKG UNPAD.

Vision, Mission and Objectives of the Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) UNPAD

The first reason to study at FKG UNPAD is a clear vision and mission. Because, every higher education institution must have a clear vision and mission. The vision and mission must be able to explain the overall aspirations of the university. The vision web designing company in new york, usa  includes a big picture and a vision of where the university will go in the long term. This long term is generally between five to ten years. While the mission itself is more of a description of the steps that will be taken to realize the vision or ideals.

Here are the vision, mission, and goals of FKG UNPAD that you can see:


To realize the Faculty of Dentistry, Padjadjaran University as an excellent higher education institution, having competitiveness in education, research, service and participating in the control of diseases and disorders of the stomatognathic system at international standards by 2026.


  1. Organizing dental education services and management (academic excellence) in a professional and accountable manner that is recognized at national and international levels.
  2. Increasing research and community service in the field of oromaxillofacial health to support education that supports quality of life and benefits for the community.
  3. Increasing the capacity of human resources that are humanistic, have noble morals, have a collective culture, are professional, and have integrity to answer the challenges of international recognition.
  4. Realizing institutional independence through collaboration with strategic partners supported by good governance.
  5. Realizing faculty management with the concept of Smart and Green Dentistry.


  1. Achieving FKG Unpad graduates who are nationally and internationally competitive, have character, and uphold local culture.
  2. Achieving research results and innovation trnumbers  in the field of oromaxillofacial health that have national and international recognition that has an impact on improving the quality of life of the community.
  3. The realization of human resources that are nationally and internationally competitive.
  4. The realization of institutions and study programs that have national and international recognition supported by good governance and strategic partnerships at home and abroad.
  5. Realizing financial independence through the development of business units and endowment funds by establishing collaborative synergistic partnerships with alumni, networks, and strategic partners.

UNPAD FKG Study Programs that Suit Community Needs

The reason for studying at FKG UNPAD and other advantages of studying at FKG UNPAD is that this faculty offers several study programs that are in accordance with the needs of the community so that you don’t need to worry about having difficulty getting a job after graduating. If you want to study at FKG UNPAD, you can choose various excellent study programs in the field of tourism majors. Here is a list of 3 excellent study programs that you can choose at FKG UNPAD:

Masters :

  1. Dentistry


  1. Profession: Dentist Professional Education
  2. Specialist:
  • Oral Surgery
  • Prosthodontic
  • Orthodontic
  • Pediatric Dentistry
  • Periodontal
  • Dental Conservation Science
  • Oral Disease Science
  • Dental Radiology

The Many Collaborations Carried Out by FKG UNPAD with Other Parties

The collaboration of this faculty with several other parties is the reason for studying at FKG UNPAD as well as the benefits of studying at FKG UNPAD. One of the collaborations that has been established is the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) which will reopen in 2022.

The program offers student exchanges to Malaysia and Japan for this year. The student exchange program involves two partners, namely the International Islamic University Malaysia and Hiroshima University. The program offers include a short-term stay of a maximum of 3 months at the International Islamic University Malaysia for 10 students with the opportunity for lectures, community dentistry, and other non-clinical programs.

Meanwhile, Hiroshima University offers an opportunity for one student to join the spring program (April-September) with the benefit of increasing dental knowledge and life experience of Japanese culture. Through outbound and inbound programs , students are expected to get valuable opportunities to learn not only in the field of dentistry, but also broader experience in advancing their skills.

There is also a transcendent program in the form of an international summer school dentistry program. Other routine activities that are usually held are expert lectures that invite experts or dentists from abroad.

Well, this collaboration can certainly be a reason to study at FKG UNPAD as well as an advantage of studying at FKG UNPAD. Because, collaboration between countries through student exchanges has the benefit of expanding networks. When you participate in a student exchange and go to school in another country, you will definitely get to know a number of new friends there. Your friends will automatically become relations that may give you benefits.

2 Types of Study Centers at FKG UNPAD

Quality study centers are one of the reasons to study at FKG UNPAD as well as the advantages of studying at FKG UNPAD. There are 2 study centers provided, including:

1. Center for Biotechnology Studies

The Center for Oral Biomaterial Studies was established with the aim of supporting the implementation of the duties of the Faculty of Dentistry, especially in the field of research and community service. As the name implies, the Center for Oral Biomaterial Studies will carry out planning and implementation activities for research related to Oral Biomaterials in a monodisciplinary or multidisciplinary manner and community service.

The activities of the Oral Biomaterial Study Center cover two main things, namely research and community service. What is meant by Oral Biomaterial is all areas in the field of dentistry that utilize materials received by the body for use in the mouth and surrounding tissues to improve health levels.

2. Military Dentistry Study Center

The Military Dentistry Study Center was established with the aim of supporting the implementation of the Faculty of Dentistry’s duties, especially in the field of research and community service. The Military Dentistry Study Center will carry out planning and implementation activities for research related to Military Dentistry in a monodisciplinary or multidisciplinary manner and community service.

The activities of the Military Dentistry Study Center cover two main things, namely research and community service. What is meant by Military Dentistry is all areas in the field of dentistry related to military duties, both those concerning the land, sea, and air dimensions.

Official Collaboration between FKG UNPAD and Danacita

After you know the reasons for studying at FKG UNPAD and the advantages of studying at FKG UNPAD and are starting to be interested in studying at this faculty but are hindered by costs, don’t worry because there is Danacita. Danacita is a financial technology company that has a mission to build the future of the young generation in Indonesia by providing affordable education financing for students and professionals who are licensed and supervised by OJK. Danacita and FKG UNPAD have collaborated to provide affordable education financing solutions for FKG UNPAD students to finance their studies.

Also read: Danacita Visits the Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) UNPAD

The collaboration held by Danacita and FKG UNPAD is to hold a monthly installment program with installment periods ranging from 6 months, 12 months to 24 months for active students and prospective students in the new student admissions (PMB) FKG UNPAD specifically for the Independent Program and Adaptation Program. Well, if you are a prospective new student who does not participate in the independent program and adaptation program or you are an active student, the installment program that you can choose starts from 6 months to 24 months .

By participating in this program, prospective FKG UNPAD students can pay their tuition fees per semester in installments every month according to the duration chosen by the student.

You also don’t need to worry, because the application process at Danacita is fast and easy online with a maximum of 2 working days without having to pay a DP, security deposit or other fees. In addition to FKG UNPAD, Danacita has also collaborated with more than 130 educational institutions throughout Indonesia, both formal and non-formal, so it is definitely proven to be safe and secure. If you are interested in applying, go directly to the Danacita website by clicking the link here .

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