All companies under the simplifi! real VAT regime are requir! to pay half-yearly installments before declaring their VAT through the annual CA12 declaration . Two installments are due in July and December. The CA12 allows you to regularize your situation at the end of the year. Which companies are affect! by the CA12? How are the installment payments made? In this article! we explain everything how to pay you ne! to know about the CA12 installments as well as some practical advice to optimize the management of your VAT.
A company under the simplifi! actual system declares its VAT annually (CA12) ;
Two VAT installments are due in July and December to anticipate part of the payment;
The amount of the 2 installments is equal to 55% (in July) and 40% (in December) of the VAT due during the previous financial year;
For the first financial year! the tax administration recommends declaring 80% of your VAT;
Payment dates for installments may vary for companies with stagger! financial years ;
Advance payments must be declar! and paid using form 3514 loan data on the tax website (and declaration 3517 for CA12).
Easily manage your VAT with Indy!💡
Gain peace of mind: Indy automatically transmits your advance tax returns and helps you prepare your CA12 🤩
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What is a VAT deposit?
A VAT (value add! tax) advance payment is a partial payment made by a company ai-bas! services for processing graphic content to remit the VAT due to the State. It is an advance ! calculat! bas! on the net VAT of the previous year.
The half-yearly VAT payments concern companies subject to the simplifi! actual system . They allow payments to be spread out over the course of the year. These payments are generally payable in July and December. A final adjustment is then made tongliao phone number list via the annual declaration (form CA12).
The purpose of VAT advance payments: to simplify the payment of VAT for businesses by spreading them over the year.
Which companies are affect! by the CA12 advance payments?
CA12 advance payments only apply to companies under the simplifi! actual VAT regime . As a reminder! there are three VAT regimes : the basic exemption regime! the simplifi! actual regime and the normal actual regime.
In the base exemption ! no declaration is to be transmitt! to the tax administration. Companies do not collect! recover or declare VAT;
Under the simplifi! actual system ! companies are liable for VAT. Two advance payments must be made and the CA12 declaration must be sent every year;
Under the normal actual system ! VAT must be declar! and paid every month using form CA3 (quarterly option possible). There are no advance payments.
Turnover thresholds for the simplifi! actual system.