He sucksbreastfeeding problems I don’t like to remember the postpartum period , because that was when the little man and I had terrible problems breastfeeding.
After the birth ended disastrously in the hospital with general anesthesia and emergency caesarean section, I wanted to at least manage to breastfeed. Absolutely!
My husband and I had decided to get a family room in the hospital for a week. We would be able to arrive in peace and quiet. If we had any questions, the midwives would be available at the touch of a button. And I was so physically exhausted anyway that I preferred to be looked after in the hospital .
At the hospital they told me I had to breastfeed within the next 6 hours or breastfeeding wouldn’t work. I was under a lot of pressure. The little man slept in my arms and slept and slept and slept.
When my baby was awake, the midwife showed me how to feed my baby. If I want to breastfeed with both breasts, I should let him drink from both sides. If my baby takes a long break from drinking, I should stroke his cheek to He sucks keep him drinking. These were the tips I received.
Now our first problem was that I was so weak that I couldn’t hold my baby. My husband always had to get up from his bed when the little man had let go of the breast and wanted to go back, and position our baby correctly. It was very exhausting. But we managed it, and the little one drank.
Breastfeeding Problems – Mother Father Baby
When my midwife from the birthing center (where we were actually going to give birth) visited me, she noticed that the little man was sucking incorrectly . He kept pushing his tongue forward when he drank. She tried to show the baby how to drink and put her index finger in his mouth. It didn’t work. But we didn’t have any problems breastfeeding (yet). So we left it at that.
When it was time to go home, I was given compresses *. Breastfeeding sweden mobile database was starting to hurt. These compresses were supposed to cool the breast and provide relief. They were very pleasant and the inflamed areas also went away. But then new wounds appeared.
It continues at home
Once you’re home, take a deep breath. Home is always the best place, they say.
Our home looked pretty He sucks bad, to put it nicely. We were still rearranging things, drilling holes in shelves, my books were lying everywhere. It was catastrophic . I sat in the waterbed and breastfed the little man in my arms and instagram direct: basic and general saw the chaos every day. My husband had to go back to work. No time. And I wasn’t allowed to get out of bed.
When cluster feeding , that is, constant breastfeeding for hours on agb directory end, came along, my nipples were a complete disaster area. They hurt like hell! When I first put my baby to the breast, when I first suckled, I curled my toes together.