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Heartbroken by your idol's marriage? | BA Leads

Heartbroken by your idol’s marriage?

Why not take 10 days off to heal?
post by Chloe Chan
by Chloe Chan

Aug 8, 2022 Post at 3:24 PM
Have you ever experienc the time when your favorite idol suddenly announc his marriage. And you were shock and unable to concentrate on your work ?

If you happen to be in Japan, you might be able to take a “special recovery leave”!


This is not a joke. A Japanese company has introduc a special welfare system for its employees, listing idols’ marriages and other relat events as one of the reasons for employees to apply for paid leave!

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The company is call HIRORO, and it specializes in creative guidance and production of advertisements and music videos. The president, Tsurumi Toshiyoshi, is also a fan of the female singer Murata Hirona, and Thailand Phone Number List even nam the company after her nickname. The president himself had experienc several times when his favorite idol group members retir or disbande and he was once distract from work , so he believ that it was very necessary to allow employees to have time to chase stars and heal their wounds.

Phone Number List

Under the new rules, if an employee’s

Favorite idol announces Vietnam Phone Number marriage or quits a group, the employee will be entitl to 10 days of paid leave to “recover from the grief,” which can be extend depending on the degree of grief. If the second or third favorite idol quits a group, the employee can also take 3 days of paid leave.


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