But this reality is changing, and in 2018 the trend will be established that advertising investment in digital media has surpassed that of television . And what’s more, as
TV platforms evolve
The evolution between digital and traditional fades away. For this reason, more and more social networks are offering video content with which to compete with television . Hence the importance of video marketing in your campaigns .
That’s why I want to tell you what’
Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat video content and TV
Why social media is becoming a TV platform
In the last couple of years we have seen how social networks have been encouraged to make the leap to live video , which brings them closer to the television experience when it comes to following current events. But now the networks are also incorporating their own pre-recorded programs, in many cases for exclusive broadcast.
Consumer habits are changing, and the barriers between
TV and social media How to Build Phone Number List blurring . One example of this is the use of YouTube. Over the past year, the amount of time users spend watching TV channels via YouTube has increased by 50%, while the amount of time spent watching YouTube on TV has doubled. That is, users are watching YouTube on TV and using the TV to watch YouTube.
On the other hand, succeeding in
Overtaking television presents a great Telegram Laboratory for social networks in terms of advertising . And although advertising investment in television has been on the decline in recent years, it still represents a juicy prize for TV platforms that manage to win over viewers with their video content.
In short, initiatives such as Facebook
TV, Twitter TV and Snapchat TV offer BTC Database EU the opportunity to achieve a reach similar to that of traditional television, but at a much lower cost and with greater possibilities for customization. An opportunity that you cannot afford to lose sight of.
What’s new on Facebook TV
Faced with this situation, the world’s largest social network has been forced to step up its game and try to position itself as a TV platform. According to Reuters, Facebook has already signed agreements with Vox Media, BuzzFeed, ATTN and Group Nine Media to produce programmes for its video content.
Facebook TV has been working
if your favorite show is only broadcast on Facebook, the social network has the perfect excuse to attract you to its TV platform and build loyalty through more similar content. In this way, by becoming another television channel, Facebook will offer advertisers a new way to reach their ideal audience.