I’m only too happy to let other people do things for me. I’m not particularly interested in saving time or anything like that. I could actually do it myself. I just don’t trust myself to do it. Or I quickly give up if it doesn’t work out.
If you are one of these people, this article is just right for you.
I can’t do that
Not long ago I read the article “Your kids aren’t straight… and they’re not cis either” by Nooborn. She was mainly ranting about how quickly we define our children as “boy” and “girl” and raise them, dress them, etc. accordingly.
I don’t want to go into that in any more detail. I’m talking about a very specific paragraph in this article. When she talked about what we model for our children . When the mother, for example, lets the father do certain things. Because they are “men’s things”. And then the mother does “women’s things”. Cooks. Cleans. Shops.
I can’t do this – woman with toast and wallet in her hand
In this way, the child is presented with a life that consists only of stereotypes . Women do “women’s things.” Men do “men’s things.”
I am exactly like that
And then it clicked for me. My husband and I share the argentina mobile database household chores, etc., but I often let him do things that I could actually do myself. Or I don’t start new things because I tell myself, “I can’t do that.” Here’s a classic example: using a drill .
Me and drilling? For heaven’s sake! Not me! The funny thing is: my husband, like me, never learned how to use a drill. But when it became necessary to make our apartment look like an apartment, he just learned. I, on the other hand, have never stopped and to this day I don’t know how to drill. But it can’t be that difficult, can it?
And so we’ve had a motor skills board lying around for weeks that needs to be drilled into the wall. My husband doesn’t have time, so it’s left there. And I… yes… I… what’s wrong with me? Well, I can’t do it …
I can’t do this – men drill
continue the list endlessly The key point
I often find myself rejecting something from the start and not doing it. Because I simply can’t do it. I don’t trust myself to do it.
When I do start something, I quickly abandon it. It doesn’t work out as planned. I’m too impatient and want to be able to do everything right away. And if it isn’t perfect from the start, I give up. I look for something new that I 5 ways ai can improve retention rates in the retail industry can start and then stop in the middle of it.
Why is that?
I asked myself the question: If I notice how I behave, why don’t I agb directory just change it? Where does this behavior come from?
mouth closed
And of course I can only assert it and not prove it when I say that this behavior must have been rooted early on. I was taught that way. In so many things.