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If you plan to carry | BA Leads

If you plan to carry

Out your project with several people, you must create a company . You then have the choice between SAS and SARL . Do you need investments or bank loans to launch your e-commerce? If this is the case, the best would be to opt for the SAS Would you like to launch your e-commerce business alone?


In this case, you should


create a one-person company Cyprus Mobile Number List EURL OR SASU or a sole proprietorship EI, EIRL or micro-enterprise. Are you aiming for a turnover greater than €, ? In this case, you must choose between SASU and EURL. Do you have personal property to protect? If this is the case, then the most suitable status would be the EIRL Individual Entrepreneur with Limited Liability What is the best legal status to start in e-commerce?


The best would be to opt

for the status of self-entrepreneur in Australia Phone Number List e-commerce . Here are the major advantages of this status: Free and simplified activity declaration formalities Simplified accounting obligations A VAT exemption provided you do not exceed a turnover of €, How to create an e-commerce site? Here are the steps to follow to create an online sales site or e-commerce site: Identify your industry Before moving on to creating an e-commerce store , 

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