he mastic asphalt screed can be sanded. This is necessary after a few years of daily use and the associated wear and tear, when the floor has lost its shine. This is made possible by the special material mixture. The screed sand included ensures that the asphalt can be sanded. Even if the mastic
Asphalt is not a natural stone floor
it can be sanded as well as cleaned. However, the specialist should decide which method is suitable for this. The area must be inspected for this. Single-disc machines are suitable for removing deep-seated dirt from the mastic asphalt. If there is damage overseas chinese in uk data to the surface, the floor should be sanded to remove it. This also applies to scratches and unevenness. The specialist decides how many sanding passes are required on site after inspecting the floor.
Is a mastic asphalt screed suitable for milling?
Basically, all types of screed are suitable for milling. google adsense revenue calculation and ways At least when it comes to dry, anhydride or cement screeds. Mastic asphalt screed is the only exception here. Due to its nature, it can be ground but not milled.
Ground mastic asphalt screed: The advantages and disadvantages at a glance
The advantage of mastic asphalt screed is that it can be laid without joints. This gives your floors a smooth and homogeneous surface, which makes the room appear larger. When laying it, you don’t have to pay attention to edges and gaps. Since there are cnbdirectory no joints, no dirt can collect in them, which means that cleaning work is manageable. This means that no water can penetrate and get under the floor covering. Its low weight is also an advantage. In addition, the mastic asphalt screed dries within a few hours, so it can be walked on after a short time. It can also be customized, since almost any color is possible. And last but not least, this screed offers good impact sound insulation.
One of the disadvantages is clearly the preparation. In order for the mastic asphalt screed to be laid, it must be heated to 300 to 400 degrees. If you want to do this yourself, you can rent the machine required for this. However, if the floor is to be laid on an upper floor, you will quickly reach your limits here, as the heated material cannot be pumped through the machine. Apart from that, it is a very expensive material compared to mortar and cement screeds .
A polished mastic asphalt screed not only looks good, it is also ideal as a vapor and sound barrier. If you have the necessary cash and want to lay the material on the ground floor, you can rent the material cooker and do it yourself. However, this is not much cheaper than if you let a professional do it, who brings the machine with him. With its easy-care properties and seamless finish, mastic asphalt screed is gaining more and more fans.