My Dad is an Orc

“My Dad is an Orc” by Rudolf Eizenhöfer is finally a book in which the father – an orc – plays the main role.

Below you will find out how I, and especially the little man and the big man, lik the book.

My Dad is an Orc
“My Dad is an Orc” * is a different book, isn’t it? I had never seen a children’s book about orcs before. For this reason and also because it is a father-son story, I want to have the book for home.


What is it about?

The single orc father (why he is a single parent is not explain in detail) is looking for a new home with his orc son.

Soon they come across an uninhabit cave and gradually settle there, cleaning, building furniture, etc.

In the meantime, a group of dwarves want to take over the cave, but the two orcs know how to defend themselves.

And even in an arm wrestling match with a r dragon, the orc dad gets paraguay mobile database the upper hand and wins a golden pot of r paint, which is us to paint the cave walls.

At the end there is a delicious swamp bone soup and finally orc father and son feel at home and go to sleep.


Dad obviously thinks this book is great! Especially


because the orc dad is the hero here: big, strong, protective and smart. And he can even cook!

But not only the characters, but also the illustrations, which you can calculat indicators of ga4 calculat indicators in google analytics 4 already see on the book cover, are fun to read aloud and look at.

Our son likes to pick out this book every now and then and have us read it to him.

If you take a closer look at the dwarves, you will discover one or two little jokes, be numbers which amus us a lot.

Minus points are given for some grammatical errors that have crept into the texts, which is quite annoying because they shouldn’t have been there. Because of the font, it is sometimes not possible to distinguish between full stops and commas.

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