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Optimize your text with keywords | Bosnia and Herzegovina Leads

Optimize your text with keywords

With just one hashtag in a post, a user can go to your profile and the same with the content, and then go from there to your website. Use carefully chosen keywords in your posts, links, hashtags to help increase your ranking in social search results and add “visibility” to your brand or company. Simply put, use your content on social mia to increase your social mia presence for content that is relevant to you. This is where the power of content comes in, because it can go beyond existing consumers.

Reach a new audience of potential buyers

Remember that content not only gets shar on blogs and other websites, but it also ranks in search engines and, frankly, the better and more accessible your content is on social mia, the more value it will add to your SEO.

It’s been 2 weeks since the last real-time update of Penguin gambling data china was launch. There are already some things that are clearly different from previous updates and it is becoming increasingly clear that Penguin 4.0 is the most important of its kind.

It is real-time. Although it has this concept, the results will not be instantaneous as you might expect. Google nes some time to index your site and the link mass to your site, so you will have to wait until other sites are index as well. This can take from several days to a week, of course, it depends on how often Google visits you and your partners. So the concept of real-time in this sense is quite rough.

Penguin has become part of the core algorithm

With this update, we can safely assume that Penguin has become a signal that affects ranking. In simple terms, if you are link to by a spam site or you use unethical methods of obtaining links, then most likely you will see a drop in search results in the coming days or weeks. This has always been the case, but now Google has the country list ability to apply the collect information much faster, instead of waiting months or even years, as it us to.

Penguin has become more selective. Let’s explain this particular moment. Starting with this update, Google began to focus on specific pages and links to them, instead of the domain as it was before. That is, if a certain part of the pages on your site has “dirty” links, then only these pages will be lower in ranking, and the domain itself will not be touch. Such selectivity will significantly improve the quality of search results and remove valerian from the shelves of webmasters.

What to expect from the Penguin penalty?

We are currently seeing positive changes on our google adsense revenue calculation and ways sites and Optimize your  our clients’ sites. Maybe it’s because we are following the pure link building tactics and creating quality content that increases links to our sites, instead of creating artificial links to manipulate search results. But we have also seen sites that have receiv a penalty and their traffic has dropp significantly, some of whom are reaching out to us asking what to do in this case. Here are some thoughts on this topic.

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