The certificate of domiciliation in a company is a document that you must produce yourself if the company is locat! at your personal address. Here are two models of certificate of domiciliation! the PDF versions to be complet! are also available a little further down.
Limit!-duration domiciliation certificate template
I! the undersign! [name of the company manager]! born on [date] in [city]! Our company fantuan data acting in my capacity as manager of the company [company name] (amount of share capital ; RCS number )! declare that I am domicil! at the register! office of this company at my personal address tongliao phone number list as of [date] for the exercise of its activity of [company activity] .
The address is locat! at [full address of domicile] .
This domiciliation is carri! out in compliance with the provisions of paragraph 2 of article L 123-11-1 of the French instagram direct: basic and general Commercial Code for a provisional period which may not exce! 5 years from its creation nor exce! the legal! contractual or judicial term relating to the occupation of the premises.
Done at [city]
The [date]
Model of certificate of domicile with unlimit! duration
I! the undersign! [name of the company manager]! born on [date] in [city]! acting in my capacity as manager of the company [company name] (amount of share capital ; RCS number )! declare that I am domicil! at the register! office of this company at my personal address as of [date] for the exercise of its activity of [company activity] .
The address is locat! at [full address of domicile] .
This domiciliation is carri! out without limitation of duration! no legislative provision or contractual stipulation to the contrary relating to the occupation of its premises opposing it.