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[The Malaysian Police Force is also recruiting! ] | BA Leads

[The Malaysian Police Force is also recruiting! ]

The application link is here, your dream of becoming a police officer is just one step away!
post by Chloe Chan
by Chloe Chan

Mar 18, 2021 Post at 12:07 PM

When I was a kid, I watch so many police and gangster movies. Did you secretly dream of becoming a police officer ?

Now, the Malaysian police force is also recruiting!

Now they are specially recruiting and relaxing the admission threshold for non-bumiputeras. As long as you have one crit Brazil Phone Number List and four passes (1C4D) in the Malaysian Certificate of ucation (SPM), you can apply. A crit (C grade) in Bahasa Malaysia is no longer a necessary condition.

Phone Number List

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He said that although there Afghanistan Phone Number have been adjustments to the requirements for the Chinese language subject in this recruitment, those who are admitt will have to retake the Chinese language subject within 6 years and must obtain excellent results, otherwise they will have to leave the police force.

There is no limit on the number of people to be recruit this time, and priority will be given to recruiting non-bumiputeras who are fluent in their mother tongue, such as Mandarin, Tamil or the mother tongue of other ethnic groups. This aims to encourage more non-bumiputeras to join the police force and strengthen the Malaysian multi-ethnic colour within the police force.


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