This comes amid rumors that the A6100, A7RII and RX100 IV are close to being unveiled. The A6000, the second will replace the A7R, while the third is set to replace the RX100 III. Sony X Australia teases the masses with. A broken mirror image. All these details are accompanied by a kind of formality. Sony X Australia has posted a teaser photo on its. Facebook account , saying that fans of the company should “be careful”. It doesn’t say anything until you see the broken mirror in the picture. While this may not mean anything, it could also mean. That we are facing the release of a mirror product such as the A6100 or the A7RII.
The rest first will replace
Moreover, another high-resolution photo appeared on. Flickr, and did not remove Industry Email List all the EXIF data, which it says was captured. The rest by the Sony ILCE-7RM2 camera. 59-megapixel Sony ILCE-7RM2 aka A7RII to arrive on May 15 with 59MP sensor. This image has more than 59 megapixels. Photographer Sakamoto Mayu says he shot it with an A7R. But the EXIF data shows it was shot with a Sony A7RII. Sony will hold. A product launch event around May 15 A reliable source says that Sony will hold. A local product launch event on May 15. The source also mentions that the official announcement could happen. A few days before that, although we have to look forward to May 15th.
This time the uploader
One on the current model, while the design will have only minor changes. Its battery will be BA Leads based on a new technology. That aims to provide a battery similar to the one in the 1D X, but it will be lighter. The image sensor was previously said to offer the widest dynamic range on the market. Now that we know it will be made by Canon and that it will have 25 megapixels. We just have to be patient and wait for the official announcement. Including the A7RII and A6100. on May 15, while Sony X Australia’s community has released. A teaser photo featuring a broken mirror, urging people to “stay awake”. All information from both official and unofficial channels indicates. That this company will reveal new products in Japan in the near future. and it seems that they are aimed at the mirrorless market.