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Why is work performance always ignor 3 things! | BA Leads

Why is work performance always ignored by the boss? People with strong work ability are actually because they have done these 3 things!

In the workplace, some people do their best to complete tasks and work hard for the company for several years, but they can hardly win the favor of their bosses and leaders; while some people are noticed for everything they do, and after a few years they are “promoted” to become the boss’s favorite. Why is there such a difference in treatment when everyone’s way of doing things, progress and results are the same?
Perhaps the answer lies in the details. The reason why people with strong abilities are favored is that they have done these three things .

1 – When taking over a job, always ask about the work standards

When your boss assigns you a task, people with strong work ability will ask what the boss expects from this task. In simple terms, you will ask your boss what goals he hopes to achieve with this task and what the. IKPI is. For example: how many days does it take to complete? How many percentag. Ie points is needed to improve performance? What is the goal of recruiting new customers?


Only when you lock in a clear and Romania Phone Number List specific goal can you control the progress of your work ae standards, because the standards are the key to quantitative assessment of work performance.

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2 – When working, focus on results

When presenting work to sted in asking about the de. Itails and process of the work. If the results are satisfactory, the boss will naturally not ask t . Ioo much; if the results are not satisfactory, the boss will ask Bahamas Phone Number List for details, understand the problem and prescribe the ri. UIght medicine. You must know that the boss will not be interested in knowing. I8 how many nights you stayed up or how many days of overtime you worked to complete the project.

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