Another key feature of amp is allowing users

To adjust content in real time. This . Is possible because the information is not encrypted in the email by default, but is . Stored on a server. So you can change the content in dynamic blocks as many . Times as you want. What can you do with amp bulk emails? Dynamic content will .

Help you build stronger interaction with users firstly

It reduces the number of user luxembourg phone number data clicks. Which not only saves time but also improves the conversion rate. Furthermore, it allows marketers . To collect comments and opinions from subscribers without much effort. Here’s what you can do . With the new amp emails: scroll a carousel within the email. Mark products or services .

In a shopping cart complete a form or

Questionnaire in an email. Participate your email subject lines contain clear sales words in surveys . Directly from your inbox. Respond to comments in an email. Link your email to a . Calendar and track the number of registrations for an event. Open a product sheet, choosing . And purchasing the products. Pinterest and booking are already sending amp emails to their subscribers.

For example pinterest subscribers no longer have to

Go to the website to pin the . Attractive burkina faso business directory image and display the text that contains the image, as they can do so . Directly in their inboxes. At the same time, booking allows its subscribers to click on . Photos of hotel rooms and apartments. Are amp mass emails safe? The benefits of amp .

Are so many that it seems too good

To be true and that is when . The question arises: what happens if hackers code a virus in the amp component script . And crack or damage the inbox? In fact, amp technology only allows fixed javascript sources . And script sets. Since it’s impossible to add external javascript to emails, amp doesn’t put . Your inbox at risk.

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