The purchasing process: what it is and how it works

The purchasing process Nowadays, it is essential to understand what the purchasing process is and how it works if we want to process: what it our actions and focus them on our potential client to maximize sales. We cannot forget that in the Inbound approach, the client must perceive that we are offering them all the valuable information they need , and they should not feel that we are selling them at all costs.


Table of Contents

  • 1 The purchasing process: Introduction.
    • 1.1 The Buyer Journey.
  • 2 The Buyer’s Journey: the stages of the purchasing process.
    • 2.1 Consideration or Investigation Stage (Evaluation).
    • 2.2 Decision Stage.
    • 2.3 The Action.
  • 3 Phases of the AIDA Purchasing Cycle.
  • 4 Image, Branding and Inbound Marketing.
  • 5 Conclusions.

The purchasing process: Introduction.

We can define the  purchasing process (or purchasing cycle) as the stages that a person goes through from the moment they realize taiwan whatsapp number data have a problem or need until they acquire a specific product or service to solve it. In other words, they are the different phases that a consumer goes through until they make a purchase. 

The Buyer Journey.

This purchasing cycle is also known as the  “ Buyer Journey” , a concept that is defined by the path that the user takes from the moment the need The purchasing process  and the active search process on the Internet begins until the decision is made to acquire or optimize your text with keywords it and the user becomes a customer. It encompasses the entire process of a user searching for information until becoming a final consumer.

The Buyer Journey model allows us to understand and monitor aspects such as:

  • User behavior .
  • The needs that arise.
  • Problems you encounter during the purchasing process .


The Buyer’s Journey: the stages of the purchasing process.

A user’s purchasing process is made up of 4 different anhui mobile phone number list that are part of the Buyer’s Journey. These are:

Stage 1. Awareness.
Stage 2. Evaluation.
Stage 3. Decision .
Stage 4. Action.

All prospects go through this journey so all our actions must be aligned with this journey while implementing the Inbound Methodology.

Normally, all people go through these 4 stages before deciding to buy a product or acquire a service, as we need time to make sure that our option is the most appropriate. During this time, it is essential that brands are present in the right way to create a “cumulative effect” in the consumer’s subconscious. This will translate into purchases days or months after the start of the process. Marketing Automation with an Inbound approach implemented through management software will allow us to automate the different phases of the purchasing process to improve the user experience , retain them and build loyalty.

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