After a certain time some  institutions lose the original idea. Only focus on forwarding content to their entire database. Many schools believe that sending unsegment emails is an effective way to reach all their prospects. But this is the first mistake in their mailing strategy. Sending personalize content opens a channel of trust between the potential customer and the brand. We see a clear example below. If you send information about new robotics programs to students interest in a  cooking course. It is not surprising that these prospects do not open the emails and stop taking you seriously as an institution. When we talk about “personalize,” we mean sending the right message to the right person, at the right time.

Collect the correct information

Learn this 4-step process to improve email personalization and increase the open rate of your content. It’s impossible to segment and personalize. When you know nothing about the person you want to reach. The use of online forms, surveys, analysis Phone Number Database of the content you consume and share. Can provide a lot of digital visitors (this includes demographic and behavioral data). As more data is collect, better lists can be filtere. For example, let’s say you have a list of leads that meet criteria like the following: High school graduates. They live in a certain area of the City. They have download the study abroad report. As participants interact with your content. You can monitor whether they always do so through a mobile device. Or know from which page they access your website, social networks. 

Align your content according to each stage

With more specific information you can add a new list aimed at mobile users who take an influencer ‘s opinion into account . Use the information to segment your leads. The greater the interaction between your visitor and your content. The more accurately BA Leads we will know their needs and determine what stage of the purchasing decision process they are in. Use these criteria to define targeted lists with content for the different stages. This increases the opening rate of each email . Because we will be closer to what each prospect is expecting to receive. When a lead is entering your content system. It is a vital moment to send them relevant content. For example: if a parent downloads a guide to help them select a school for their child, it will not be time to send them the registration package from your institution. 

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